Do you need an AI-Generated Writing and AI Tools Policy?

The following two policies show a comparison of an unedited AI-generated (ChatGPT) policy and an edited version. 

A) Unedited ChatGPT-generated policy:

**Ethical Use of AI-Generated Writing and AI Tools Policy** 

**1. Introduction** 

At [Company Name], we recognize the significance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing efficiency and productivity within the workplace. This policy outlines the ethical considerations and guidelines for the responsible use of AI-generated writing and AI tools by our employees. 

**2. Purpose** 

This policy establishes clear expectations regarding the appropriate and responsible use of AI technologies in the creation of written content, ensuring that ethical standards are upheld and potential risks are mitigated. 

**3. Guidelines for Ethical Use** 

Employees are expected to adhere to the following guidelines when AI-generated writing and AI tools are in play: 

– **Transparency:** When AI tools are employed for content creation, employees must clearly disclose if the content is AI-generated. This ensures transparency and builds trust with stakeholders. 

– **Quality Assurance:** While AI tools can enhance productivity, employees are ultimately responsible for the quality and accuracy of the content produced. Thoroughly review and edit AI-generated content to align with our standards. 

– **Respect for Intellectual Property:** Ensure that the use of AI tools respects intellectual property rights. Do not replicate or reproduce copyrighted material using AI without proper authorization. 

– **Avoiding Bias:** Be vigilant to prevent the introduction or perpetuation of biases in AI-generated content. Review and adjust content to eliminate any potential bias related to gender, race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics. 

– **Legal Compliance:** AI-generated content must comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including but not limited to intellectual property, data protection, and privacy laws. 

 **4. Security and Confidentiality**  

– **Data Protection:** Safeguard sensitive information and ensure that AI tools used for content generation do not compromise the confidentiality of proprietary or confidential data.  

– **Cybersecurity:** Implement necessary measures to protect against cybersecurity threats, ensuring that AI tools do not become a vulnerability in our network. 

**5. Reporting Violations** 

Employees who become aware of any violations of this policy should promptly report such incidents to the appropriate channels as outlined in our whistleblowing policy. 

**6. Consequences of Non-Compliance** 

Non-compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, depending on the severity of the violation. 

**7. Review and Updates** 

This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in technology, legal requirements, and organizational needs. 

*Effective Date: [Insert Date]* 


B) An edited version of the same ChatGPT-generated policy:

Use of AI-Generated Writing and AI Tools  

 Guidelines for Ethical Use 

[Company’s] employees are expected to adhere to the following guidelines regarding AI-generated writing and AI tools: 

      • Transparency: Employees are to disclose when AI-generated content is used in press releases, research reports, or other content that may be used in proving research or, alternatively, in creative writing.
      • Quality Assurance: Employees are ultimately responsible for the quality and accuracy of the content produced. Employees must thoroughly review and edit AI-generated content to align with [Company] standards.
      • Intellectual Property: Employees are to ensure that the use of AI tools respects intellectual property rights and do not replicate or reproduce copyrighted material using AI without proper authorization.
      • Bias: Employees must be vigilant to prevent the introduction or perpetuation of biases in AI-generated content. Content must be reviewed and adjusted to eliminate any potential bias related to gender, race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics.
      • Legal Compliance: AI-generated content must comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including but not limited to intellectual property, data protection, and privacy laws. 

Employees are to ask for clarification from their supervisor in advance of using unauthorized tools or publishing/sharing content that has been created by AI. 

2. Security and Confidentiality 

      • Data Protection: Safeguard sensitive information and ensure that AI tools used for content generation do not compromise the confidentiality of proprietary or confidential data.
      • Cybersecurity: Implement necessary measures to protect against cybersecurity threats, ensuring that AI tools do not become a vulnerability in the [Company’s] network. 

3. Reporting Violations 

      • Employees who become aware of any violations of this policy should promptly report such incidents to the appropriate channels as outlined in our whistleblowing policy [if a whistle-blower policy is applicable]. 

Note that further edits are required for each individual workplace.