Pandemic HR: resolveHR – Mental Health

Updated: April 20, 2020

The Canadian Mental Health Association – PEI has created an online hub for resources free for anyone to access: CMHA PEI COVID-19 INFO HUB. It is full of mental health and well-being resources . It is connected to CMHA PEI’s website. CMHA PEI is also promoting its toll-free Mental Health Resource Line at 1-800-682-1648 where there will be designated staff members taking calls Monday-Friday between 8:30am-4:30pm to help people find the appropriate programs and services available to them.

Employers that offer Employee (and Family) Assistance Programs may want to encourage their staff to take advantage of the service. With people working from home, staying at home and facing uncertainties, mental health needs consideration as well as physical health. I spoke to Derek Nicholson from Nicholson Group the other day and thought I would share our discussion. View it here on You Tube: Pandemic HR: resolveHR – Mental Health EAP


Photo by Junior Teixeira from Pexels